You cannot be the market leader and have the impact you want unless you are invested in your employees.
The world of work was changing even before the pandemic and today we face more challenges than ever. We have to get used to uncertainty and complexity. According to surveys, managers are among the least engaged in the workplace and they spend a huge proportion of their day firefighting rather than leading their teams. The knock-on effect is that a staggering number of employees are reporting they are not clear about what is expected of them.
The facts are frightening:
• There’s a growing disconnect between employers and their employees.
• Employee stress is at an all-time high and people are feeling burned out, isolated, and hold little hope for their future.
• Engagement and wellbeing are low; according to Gallup only 21% of employees globally (and as little as 9% in the UK) are engaged at work and 33% are thriving in their overall wellbeing, most saying that they don’t find their work meaningful.
• Presenteeism, absenteeism and “quiet quitting” is costing organisations billions of pounds every year.
• A huge amount of people are leaving the workforce and it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract and retain talent.
“Leaders are responsible for creating an environment where people can be at their best”
With our workforce facing such adversity – how can we support and rekindle engagement?
Coaching can play a crucial part in this as it is focused on developing people, as opposed to training that is focused on developing knowledge. Hence coaching is an effective way to build self-efficacy and empower individuals for sustainable change. The coach becomes a trusted confidant who will help the leader expand their thinking, help point out blind spots and enhance leadership skills.
Coaching gives time and space for strategic thinking, is actionable and focused on agreed goals and results. Added extras are
• Stronger resilience
• Enhanced self-awareness helping managers self-regulate
• Improved communication skills
• Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
• Higher productivity
• Revived positive motivation
The growth potential for an organisation which invests in its managers is proven and undeniable. According to the International Coaching Federation, 86% of organisations saw a return on their investment on their coaching engagements and 96% of those who engaged an executive coach would repeat the process again.
It is not just the individual who is being coached that stands to gain from this either. When leaders are operating at their full potential, they will encourage the best from their teams. The ripple effect throughout the entire organisation can be astounding.
How would your organisation run differently if you fully supported your staff to be the best they can be? What are the possibilities?
1-2-1 Coaching
Always individually tailored, would benefit everyone and specifically;
Newly appointed leaders who need to find their feet and develop their own leadership style.
Leaders transitioning into a new role/location who quickly need to make impact and achieve success.
Leaders facing challenges who with objective and confidential support will rise and excel.
Leaders wishing to raise their performance level overall or focus on a specific area.
Group Coaching and Masterminds
Group coaching can be beneficial when you have a number of individuals who need new ideas and perspectives in order to raise their performance, overcome challenges and/or make a positive impact on the organisation. Within a safe and encouraging environment members are inspired to examine their own thinking, assumptions and beliefs, explore thoughts and ideas, and take supported action to achieve greater results.
Masterminds are peer-to-peer mentoring groups and are both supportive and challenging to enable business and personal growth. They offer a combination of learning, brainstorming, peer accountability and support. Together, participants support each other to set and achieve goals.
Workshops and Events
From short webinars, group events and tailor-made workshops, they all have the same purpose – to empower and inspire. Giving you and your team a chance to reflect, recharge and regroup for the next part in your success journey.
Choose one or a series of workshops all of which can be delivered either online, in person or as a hybrid.
I regularly hold events aimed at leaders to expand their thinking and awareness. To see the upcoming schedule of events, click on the button below.